When I am working as your shamanic practitioner, I am journeying to the all-knowing, all-loving compassionate helping spirits to serve you.
Perhaps you are ill. Or stuck. Or working your way through a transition. Or had an experience where you know "I haven't been the same since...."
In shamanism, illness is not viewed as random pathology, but as power loss.
So when you feel disempowered in any area of your life -- physical or emotional, mental or spiritual -- shamanic work is more than appropriate, it is an excellent complimentary medicine. It can be used in harmony with western medicine as well as other complimentary medicines. Many psychologists refer clients to shamanic practitioners for "soul retrieval" work.
This is a time-tested practice; it has been used on every continent and in every culture dating back 100,000 years. So rather than being a "new age" practice, it is about as old-age as you can get.
Please call 206-661-3875 to talk about your needs and unique circumstances. I am very generous with pre-appointment phone time. I want you to feel comfortable when you come for your first appointment. Also, remind me to get your e-mail address when we speak, and I will send you a free primer on shamanic work.
My rates are $100 an hour, and I also offer a sliding-scale fee. I offer the convenience of Visa and MasterCard as well as other options. Let's talk.