Apr 18, 2011

Important And Final Blog Entry

Dear All,

In life, sometimes our most cherished dreams come true. Mine did last month when I became a teacher for The Foundation for Shamanic Studies (FSS).

My teaching area will included Bainbridge Island, Poulsbo, Silverdale, Bremerton, Port Orchard, and Gig Harbor. I will begin by teaching Michael Harner's Way of the Shaman. This is the introductory, experiential class on core shamanism, and the class you must take if you wish to take more training from the FSS.

My first class will be in 2012, right here on Bainbridge Island. In January 2012 and then later in 20112, I will be bringing the class to the rest of my territory.

I am grateful for the time and experience of teaching so many of you through my classes. It has been a joy and an honor to become a teacher worthy of the FSS while journeying with you all.

My new blog -- www.lorajanssonshamanicservices.com is up and running. This blog will not be active anymore.

Hope to see you in my new virtual location, and at the workshops. I close with love for you all.

Lora Jansson,
Guest Faculty, the Foundation for Shamanic Studies

May 17, 2010

Your heart...

Is your heart beating strange and wondrous?

Are you foolhardy-in-love with spring green, the whirr of hummingbird wings or the drunken laughter of a friend you have not seen for too long?
Do you want to be content on a Sunday in the shade of a lilac, and cutting your teeth on the sheer cliff of possibility on Monday night?
Do you know what you want? Can you name it? Will you? Are you strong enough -- or crazy enough -- to show up for yourself?

 If these questions make sense to you then perhaps you'll want to take my next class. Write me at lorajansson@gmail.com for information.

Mar 23, 2010

New Dates....

Hi there,

If you are contemplating the class, there's still time.

The start date has been changed to April 26th. There are some people who are out of the country who have expressed interest; as I may not be teaching this class again until fall, I want to make sure those who wish to attend can attend.

So if you have been considering this, contact me. I hope the later date better suits all schedules.

Blessings for your patience, and

Bear Hugs,

Feb 24, 2010

A Bainbridge Island, Six-Week Experiential Workshop

Shamanism is known as the practice of ecstasy.

It is not a religion, but a spiritual practice that has been used for 100,000 years all over the world. In fact, the word shaman is Russian.

It is not difficult to learn how to use shamanism as a personal spiritual practice, and it is used by people of all religious persuasions. The primary ethos in shamanism is that you have a right to work with the Divine via direct revelation.

In this class, you will learn how to work with your unique nonordinary reality counsel of divine elders. Through their teachings and cures, you can live a more passionate, fulfilling and creative life.

In addition to helping you answer seminal questions about your life, shamanism can also help you to overcome fear, transmute illness, and celebrate challenges.

In these uncertain times, it can provide an amazing support system that will help you tap into joy, love and compassion.