Is this right for me?

How can you know if shamanism is for you?

By exploring it. Not through books or tapes, but through experience with a seasoned teacher who can guide you into and through the practice.

While both youth and elder, the woman and man can learn the practice, many students have the following traits:
  • A lively intelligence. Students of shamanism have bright, curious minds, and often have seriously explored other spiritual practices. Not content with second-hand information, they want to explore other realities themselves.
  • A desire for direct simplicity.  Shamanism purports that you have a right to direct revelation, and that you do not need books, gurus or ministers to interpret your spiritual life for you. Still, shamanism is respectful of all belief systems.
  • A spiritual knowing. This may mean you have explored many other spiritual paths, and have always had a heightened relationship with nature and animals. You may have had a near-death experience or a strong feeling that you can't explain -- that there is something more, but you don't know how to find it.
  • You are a sensitive. That means when you're with others in a group, you can feel things that others are feeling. You may also be tied into what animals, plants and our blue orb are experiencing
If any of these attributes rings a bell for you, you might be an excellent candidate to explore shamanism as a spiritual practice.